Welcome to AromaArt, a warm and cosy environment strategically located in the heart of the city - your final stop for reliable training and education.


Here in AromaArt, our institute is dedicated to the study of complementary therapies and bodyworks from all major view points, placing special emphasis on the knowledge and skills of Aromatherapy which can be practically applied.


Learning with AromaArt, you will understand that Aromatherapy is more than just beautifying the body, calming the mind or lifting the soul. Together with us, you will discover the endless possibilities which Aromatherapy has to offer, like applying it as a complementary therapy in cancer and palliative patient care or elderly care as we did in various hospice centres, elderly homes and hospitals over the years, both in Singapore and overseas.


And our efforts don't just stop here, working closely with reputable health organisations such as the National Taichung Nursing College and the National Taiwan University Hospital, we strive to collaborate and combine our resources in Research & Development in Aromatherapy. Positively believing that in time, our collaboration would yield good results whereby Aromatherapy may be more effectively applied in palliative care for the patients.










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